Re: cat flames >/dev/null

Shawn Brown (
Tue, 11 Oct 1994 10:52:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 11 Oct 1994, David Kovar wrote:

>   You may not think it serious, but others do, and not without reason.
> The Feds are much more likely to grab first and ask questions later.
> We've seen this time and time again, from computers to files, to
> guns, to whatever.

As was seen in a recent incident regarding a security professional at Sprint.
His office was raided by agents of the Secret Service for some alleged 
connection with 'Posse.'  They did the whole bit; confisticated anything
that you could plug in, proprietary files and information, and an unmodified
Radio Shack tone dialer.  Apparently the only 'connection' this person had
with 'Posse' was that he had a BSD system of his broken into.  He was placed
on administrative leave without pay.  The feds came back a week or so later
and apologized, and returned most of his (and Sprint's) property, minus the
tone dialer, which they apparently couldn't put back together.


Shawn Brown | |